Here's one from one of my members:
So here is my testimony... I am typically healthy. I never get sick. I started using oils to help with my hormones ( but this is about me getting sick). Which they have helped tremendously! I was perfectly fine and out of nowhere I woke up Mothers Day morning and could not swallow. When I did swallow it felt like I was swallowing glass. I had a fever and felt like like there was a fog in my brain. I started looking up in my app and this book I have to see what to use for sore throat. I gargled thieves and put 3 drops in a little bit of water and drank it. Tea tree, wintergreen and thieves on the outside of my throat and within 15 minutes I was able to swallow without ANY pain! I repeated this 3 times thru out the day, every time I started to feel sore. Monday when I woke up I repeated 1 more time and it was gone!!
That's just one of the many many testimonials I have heard from my members! You can be another one.