Fall Into October

Fall Into October
Hey there!   

Wow, where has this year gone?   Before you know it January will be here and this year will have passed.    Well, you better hang on, I feel this season will fall by quickly!    Living in Florida we don't experience Fall like the rest of the country, and that's ok with me.    This year however, I am going to North Carolina for a few days to get my dose of the fall colors in the mountains.  It's beautiful restoration.  

This new season brings about a season of sharing and giving.   To your friends and family. To neighbors near and far.    This year, I encourage you to reach out to old family and friends. Reconnect. Really live.    That being said, I would like to introduce the new fall/winter gift giving guide.   What a treat to have all these wonderful personal gift ideas, and some to keep for yourself too!  (haa)  Be able to order from home, comfortable, and know it's all pure and top quality ingredients.  

Hey I know the Fall is upon us and that calls for a change in the warmth of our homes and the scents we choose to fill the air.    Here are some of my favorite diffuser recipes for the cooler months of Fall.  
I hope this finds you and your family and friends well this season.    I am grateful for new beginnings. I am grateful for the journey, And I am grateful for you.   Thanks for being part of this journey of wellness with me.   OH, I almost forgot, here's the freebies for the month with your orders!    I love this!   An extra gift with purchase for 400 pv order!  Wow!   Not to mention, on FB there are several groups that have giveaways too this month! I have a giveaway opportunity too!  

 Use the #fallintooctober To make a post on your personal fb page about a YL product or oil you love and how you use it in your life!   No limits on entries!    Don't miss out on the opportunities to win.  
to order just go to www.youngliving.com and sign in!  
  To get all the promos offered, get started in our ER program!  It's super easy, non committal, and , um, free products! and points when you decide to stay with it!  I love my lifestyle.  Healthy, toxic free, and delivered to my home!  Oh, and we now offer ylgo. A shipping subscription.  One annual fee and free monthly shipping!   And ylgo+ for the many times a month orderer type!   It's really a great option!   I love it!   

I encourage you to reach out to me, Casey Forte, 352-427-2497, or email me with any questions, concerns, advice or direction!  I am always here for you.   Have a fabulous month! God bless you.

Casey Forte

July and Summer time

I'm here in Florida and it's Smokin hot!  But I wouldn't have it any other way!   What are some of your fave things to do in the heat of summer?  We love to go to the beach, pool and enjoy every minute.    This month is flying by and I can't believe how fast it's going.  
Young Living didn't disappoint this month either with their promotions!    
And as if that's not good enough, this month we held our quarterly rally where we gather in homes, conference rooms and wherever we can gather and share the lifestyle of YL!   Yes, the lifestyle.   We are so much more than oils and if you didn't know that, you've been missing the point of this company and our products.  Entirely.  I wanted to share our Rally promos with you because they are fantastic!    One of them is something I use every single day, Ningxia. They have it 15% off along with our energy shot, Nitro and several different oils to go along with the party!    We are also offering (for new members) their starter kit, with 2 diffusers!!!  and 2 bonus oils as well!    This is great for your friends who aren't yet members and need a new lifestyle.   The starter kit is the best way to get started.     Along with the education you get in our private FB goups, and education online and in person or phone, there's no reason not to get involved!    I love YL!!!!!   It's a lifestyle, not a trend.     It's gonna be here and it's my goal to share it with everyone!   It's that powerful.     Yes, the oils are powerful, but the combination of removing toxins from our home and personal care products make our bodies healthier and more resistant to disease and yuckies!    Who's in for that? I AM!!!    
  The new member promo and product promo will end on the 20th!    (If you need help getting a friend started, reach out to me or your enroller and we can get you the link to get them started!  You get a $$ bonus too!  Hello!   win-win! )
I sincerely hope you have the best rest of the month!    May God bless you all and bring your dreams to reality.   
Thank you so much for supporting small business, it means the world to me, and your health!   This is so much more than stuff, it's a healthy lifestyle you can continue and see benefits in your health.      Be well. Live well, Live life.

Casey Forte

Oh Summer is Upon Us, Finally!

Hello fellow oilers!!

     So, Summer is here, the kids are out of school and life begins!  Summer is my favorite time of year and I'm thankful I have Young Living to get me thru these months with our summer friendly products and peace bringing oils (because kids are home! )   This month is a great one to get started on our Essential Rewards program!    For many reasons.   First of all, let's start ditching the chemical toxins we use every day and switch them out with our non toxic replacements!  And earn points for more freebies!   All while earning free oils to use and add to your arsenal.    I started oiling 3 yrs ago and cannot imagine going back to the way I used to be.      I was listening to something today and it really struck me.  What are we stuck in our way about? What are we unteachable about?     There are better ways and swapping the junk out is a great way to start!   

This summer, I challenge you to try new things! To make waves in your old ways of thinking, to change for the better. But you have to want to.  It's completely up to you.  This month's promotion is a great way to stock up on great oils to get your ditch and switch lifestyle started, and with an added bonus below!   

💧☀️ Don’t you wish you could take a drop of sunshine with you year round? Well, now you can!
This summer you can earn your FREE Summer Sunshine Luxe Roller!!! As summer winds down, you can breathe it in until it’s back!
This roller contains carefully selected essential oils to bring the brightness & calmness of a perfect summer day, without the sweat and bugs.
A blend of luxe essential oils like Neroli and Royal Hawaiian Sandalwood are combined with the citrus of Bergamot and brightness of Spearmint for an unforgettable blend. Real gold flakes boost not only the visual appeal, but therapeutic value as well! Carrier oil is none other than Young Livings V-6.
🌸 NEROLI - It takes 1,000 pounds of orange blossoms to make 1 pound of this gorgeous essential oil that is just over $1 per drop. It’s beautiful soft floral smell isn’t just making your nose happy.
Neroli’s therapeutic properties help you stay in the present moment and not reminisce of the past; or even worry about the future. It helps us manifest what we want by being completely present energetically in the moment.
Neroli essential oil has been used for thousands of years to accelerate self-actualization by keeping us in the present, and gathering many of our scattered parts in the different etheric levels. It opens the heart and releases emotions of powerless and self imposed restriction.
4 drops of this incredible oil serve this roller blend’s purpose perfectly and fill out the middle note requirement for a perfected blend.
🍊 BERGAMOT - Bergamot releases the need to be in complete control so that we can flow with life more easily.When we can relax and trust God / the universe to handle details of any life situation, we release the fear of the unknown and become clear about our own mission.
5 drops of this citrus aroma balance with top notes for this summer blend.
🏝 ROYAL HAWAIIAN SANDALWOOD - RHS is distilled from the native Hawaiian sandalwood tree found only in Hawaii. It has deep relaxation properties which encourages meditation and connection with our creator.
Awakens sensuality, invokes calmness and deep relaxation. This state allows for greater intuition and sense of awareness, particularly when opening up to and learning unconditional love.
2 drops in this roller give a romantic base note to this blend. It brings out not only a summer breeze, but a HAWAIIAN summer breeze!
🍃 SPEARMINT - The energies of spearmint oil open and release emotional blocks in the etheric level which helps to bring balance to the body.
It also helps people establish safe boundaries and feel protected when releasing old beliefs. It brings about more self-trust which is important in moving forward and overcoming negative emotions.
1 drop of Spearmint bring a brightness to this blend, one that reminds me of the crispness of jumping into a pool!
⚜️ GOLD FLAKE - • Accelerated manifestation of goals • Supports mental development 
• Increased production of neurotransmitters. 
• Increased clarity dream 
• Increased synchronicity in life 
• Clearer mental focus 
• Increased metabolic rate and cell renewal 
• DNA Awakening & Healing 
Source: https://ediblegoldleafflakespowder.com/…/health-benefits-o…/
Now you see how amazing this blend is, how do you get it?
Sign up for Essential Rewards(ER) for the first time ever THIS MONTH and have your first ER order go through of at least 100pv, then maintain an ER order of at least 100pv in July and at least 100pv ER order in August.
You will then have a beautiful Summer Sunshine Luxe Roller Bottle Blend show up at your door by end of September! They will be mailed to the address on your Young Living profile, so make sure it is updated.
There are no forms to fill out, as I get a report for all new ER sign ups in June and then will check the order amounts for July and August, so all you have to do is sign up and place your 100pv orders!
To sign up, log into your virtual office and click “essential rewards”, it will walk you through the sign up process. Let your enroller know you are signed up!
If you want more information, check out our Essential Rewards classes in Drop In Education Group (found in the recommended groups area of this group), and be on the lookout for the Essential Rewards class running in this group this month so you can learn all about it!
If you are already on Essential Rewards, CONGRATULATIONS! You have been earning benefits from the program already so please share why you love Essential Rewards! Then check with your enroller to see if they are doing a private promotion for members currently on ER.
📆 What if I signed up for ER in May with my first order to process in June. YOU COUNT! But because it won’t show up in my report, you MUST message me privately with the situation so I can add you to the spreadsheet.
🖥 What if I forget a month or one month is below 100pv? Then you don’t qualify and lose your Roller eligibility. Set your PV Assistant to 100pv to make sure you don’t miss the 100pv level! (Plus there’s a bonus oil from YL at the 100pv level too!)
🇨🇦 What if I’m in Canada? This is a US promotion, because of customs and shipping, Canada makes it hard on me. Please send me a message and let’s see what we can work out!

To participate in this great offer, just sign into your Virtual office at Youngliving.com and click Essential Rewards to get started on this great new way.  I promise you won't be disappointed.   It's honestly the best thing I've ever done, besides my son :)   

What's in your home?

What's in your home?

April Showers bring May flowers and Valor

Happy April!     I am loving the warmer weather, the spring flowers and life!    How are you?    I wanted to share a few things with you that are amazing!  First off, Young Living has finally got the VALOR ROLL ON back in stock after 4 yrs!  Really!    And what a great value it is.   It's basically the same exact oil that you get in the 5ml bottles, but you are getting 10ml, for only $10 more!   This oil blend is the most popular by far and will blow your mind.  

And for those who love our makeup, Savvy Minerals, we introduced a bunch of new colors for spring!      Have you tried Savvy yet?   Let me tell you, my skin is so sensitive but this stuff rocks!  I've been using it for a year now and my face loves it! And how good it makes my skin feel!    I also love using the Seedlings wipes to remove it at the end of the night. Win win!   Wipes aren't just for babies anymore.   
Next month is May.  Mother's day. How can you share your love for oils better than sharing with the women who mean the most to you?    Everyone who gets started with any of our starter kits and becomes a member in May will get a special gift from me!    Sharing is caring.   Aren't you glad someone shared Young living with you?   I know I am.
Shop now in your account      SHOP NOW     www.youngliving.com  

Have a great weekend and please reach out if I can support you in any way.  352-427-2497.    God bless you and Thank you!   

Love, Casey 

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