This week officially brings in the busy season with it and I wanted to give you a quick reminder. I want to remind you during these times of busy-ness, parties, sugar cookies and making sure everyone else is taken care of, make sure to take care of you first. Here’s a simple practice: take a few minutes in the morning before you even get your feet on the floor, to be grateful. State to yourself 5 things you’re grateful for and try to feel the emotion with it. Practice it. Make it a habit. Heck, even add a gratitude journal You’d be amazed at what you start to write about. The change comes with the practice. Keep going, even if you skip a day or 3. Give yourself grace and start again. You’re enough!

You will get to learn the following about each of the 30 products:
- what it is
- a quick tip on how to use it
- an easy DIY with that product
Yes, that means about 45 seconds for each - we are not messing around. This event is going to cover some awesome products and tips and recipes without wasting any time!
BONUS - if you OPT in by sending THIRTY to 407.204.9119 you will not only get a reminder of the class 15 minutes before it starts, but a link to a free printable listing the 30 products, quick tips and DIYs in one printable document! You will also get the recording after the event runs.
- 10mL glass spray bottle
- 3 drops Peppermint Vitality essential oil
- 2 drops Spearmint Vitality essential oil
- 1 tsp Thieves Mouthwash, optional
- Filtered water
- 5 drops Peppermint essential oil
- 5 drops Vanilla oleoresin
- 1/4 Cup White Sugar
- 1/4 Cup Coconut Oil*
- 1/4 cup organic fractionated coconut oil
- 3/4 cup organic cane sugar
- 15 drops Winter Nights essential oil blend
- 10 drops Vanilla oleoresin
- 1 cup organic ground coffee
- 1 cup cane sugar
- 1/2 cup melted coconut oil
- 10 drops Peppermint essential oil
- 10 drops Vanilla oleoresin (or EOs of choice - Cardamom, Thieves, etc.)
- Small glass jar(s)
- 8-12 ounce glass container
- 1/2 cup solid refined, organic coconut oil
- 1/2 cup organic mango butter (or a mix of shea butter and mango butter)
- 1/2 cup organic jojoba oil
- 5 drops Spearmint essential oil
- 10 drops Peppermint essential oil
- 15 drops Vanilla essential oil
- 1 cup baking soda
- 1/2 cup citric acid
- 2 Tbsp epsom salts
- 3 Tbsp coconut oil, melted
- 20-30 drops essential oil(s) of choice*
- 1 tsp water or more if necessary
- Silicone molds or large ice cream scoop

My personal experience is astounding proof TO ME, that they work! That eliminating the toxic crap in my life, mind and products makes all the difference in how I feel. I'm ever grateful for the path that life has taken me on. So grateful for you too to be on this journey as well.
“Although the world is full of suffering, it is also full of the overcoming of it.” ~ Helen Keller
Our world is full of this; everywhere you turn there is negativity bombarding us. The news and social media is like a constant barrage of sad stories, crises, people losing their jobs, illnesses, you name it. If we let that overcome our own positivity we lose. We take that weight upon our shoulders and it’s hard for us to move forward. We need to choose daily to guard our hearts and minds and be consciously aware of what we allow to influence them.
Optional journal prompt: What area of your life do you need to limit in order to guard your heart and mind? Grab some White Angelica and apply or diffuse it today.

What if, huge- what if- here, if we began to focus on our thoughts and having them be good ones, and how would our life change if that happened?
Once we do that, the rest comes naturally.
It’s a journey and it’s completely achievable.
That being said, NO ONE CAN DO IT FOR YOU!
You see, no one sees your thoughts. Only you are aware of them, so only you can grab them, hold them captive and decide what you are gonna do with it.
We have choices when thoughts enter our minds.
Is this a good thought? Is it positive?
Is this true? Or did my mind mess with me again?
Is this a belief or truth?
Does this line up with truth?
Does this thought bring me joy?
Is this thought about the future or the past?
Is this a fear? Why?
I can go on and on, but I think you get the point.
If a thought pops in your mind, it’s up to you if you want to believe it, act on it, react to it, or ignore it.
Your choice.
But your joy depends on it.
Words from Casey’s tub. ❤️