Practicing gratitude in the busy

Practicing gratitude in the busy

Hey and happy thanksgiving week!!  
This week  officially brings  in the busy season with it and I wanted to give you a quick reminder.   I want to remind you during these times of busy-ness, parties, sugar cookies and making sure everyone else is taken care of, make sure to take care of you first. Here’s a simple practice: take a few minutes in the morning before you even get your feet on the floor, to be grateful. State to yourself 5 things you’re grateful for and try to feel the emotion with it.  Practice it. Make it a habit. Heck, even add a gratitude journal You’d be amazed at what you start to write about.  The change comes with the practice. Keep going, even if you skip a day or 3. Give yourself grace and start again.  You’re enough! Today the Black Friday week of deals has dropped!
It’s live to shop!! 
Check out these deals! Oh, and party bonus, if you’re not currently an active customer, you can still purchase these items and also get them on subscribe to save. (double win, no loss!) 
Don’t have an account? Again, just go to young living to shop!  When you do, please use my id #3141355

I’m so stoked about all the goodies on sale!  Here’s just some of the basics that are on sale. There’s so much more just click below to see the deets! 
Do you want more deets?  Here ya go!! Run down on sale items
I’m also giving away 5 bottles of CHRISTMAS SPIRIT essential oil blend!!!
To be entered, just place a 250 pv order and I’ll select 5 winners from qualifying orders!!!!!  
I appreciate you and am grateful you’re here.    If there’s anything I can do for you, please reach out. 

Love and Blessings to you

When Life Happens

When Life Happens
Hello friends.   Today is a great day to have a great day no matter what comes your way.

That being said, life is amazing, especially when you focus on the blessings of it all

Life happens.  
That being said, when it happens in ways we don't expect we have 2 choices.  We can roll with it, or get flustered and upset over it.   It's a choice.   We can react, or respond.    Huge differences between the two. ❤️ 

Reacting is usually not pleasant to you or your body.  It's usually a triggered reaction from something we've supressed instead of dealt with.  Responding, takes a breath first then realizes stuff happens and more will happen too.    All of it happens for you and your benefit. *Life happens for you, not to you.   Let me say that again, Life happens FOR you, not TO you.  That's right, ❤️ 

Learning that the peace in life is found in the present moment.   Not in the past things we coulda done, shoulda done or woulda done.  It's not in the future of how we think things should work out could work out or can work out.    That's the joy of the present.    It's right now.  It's the only place we can be calm, cool and collected.  The present moment is the only thing we have active control over anything.  Our reactions.  period.    Life is gonna keep happening, and it's never gonna go as planned, so stop getting pissed or disappointed when it goes different than you wished.   It's happening for you.   ❤️ 

Now on another note, a great way to help yourself stay in the present is with taking time each day to consciously. be present.  AKA meditation,   Learning to focus your thoughts on your breath.  One breath at a time.  I love to use my oils while I meditate for a deeper peace.   Did you know essential oils actually affect the limbic system (our emotions) in so many ways. That's why smelling things brings back memories.    Now to create new memories and intentions by bringing these scents into your meditation to train your brain to relax when you smell them.  Try it, it works.   Some of my favorite oils to meditate with are palo santo, believe, grounding, frankincense, and present moment.   But as we are all so different, the choice is up to you.  
This month is a great month too to stock up on gifts for your friends, family and yourself!   Our Holiday gift catalog is out and NEXT WEEK, we're having one heck of a Thanksgiving sale!! Up to 30% off on 30 of our best sellers!!!!    We have a special zoom link to show you some great ways to use some of these favorite items!!  Here's a graphic to share the deets!
Your OCE friends are putting together an AWESOME event. Mark your calendars so you can attend live. It will be a 30 minute class, and we are going to talk about 30 of the TOP products OCE members are ordering each month!

You will get to learn the following about each of the 30 products:
- what it is
- a quick tip on how to use it
- an easy DIY with that product

Yes, that means about 45 seconds for each - we are not messing around. This event is going to cover some awesome products and tips and recipes without wasting any time!

BONUS - if you OPT in by sending THIRTY to 407.204.9119 you will not only get a reminder of the class 15 minutes before it starts, but a link to a free printable listing the 30 products, quick tips and DIYs in one printable document! You will also get the recording after the event runs.

🎁 💝 🎁 
Now for the good part!!!!
This month for all 250pv orders and up, you'll be qualified to win one of 5 bottles of CHRISTMAS SPIRIT OIL!!!!!    That's right, I'm giving away 5 bottles of this amazing holiday favorite blend to 5 lucky people!     Get your orders in before DEC 1 to qualify!!!   

I also wanted to share some cool recipe ideas to make some holiday goodness to share with your loved ones:

Under The Mistletoe Breath Spray
This little bottle will be your mistletoe BFF!! Perfect to pack in your purse, backpack or even stash in your car, this simple breath spray will have your breath feeling fresh whenever you need it!
  • 10mL glass spray bottle
  • 3 drops Peppermint Vitality essential oil
  • 2 drops Spearmint Vitality essential oil
  • 1 tsp Thieves Mouthwash, optional
  • Filtered water
Add all ingredients into a spray bottle and shake well. Spritz into your mouth as desired!
Candy Cane Lip Scrub
This simple lip scrub is perfect for all your mistletoe moments this season!
  • 5 drops Peppermint essential oil
  • 5 drops Vanilla oleoresin
  • 1/4 Cup White Sugar
  • 1/4 Cup Coconut Oil*
Combine essential oils and coconut oil, then add in sugar. Apply nightly to lips in a circular motion. Wipe off with a dry towel. Store in a glass jar!
*To make this extra special and creamy, whip the coconut oil in a stand mixer or handheld mixer until it is fluffy!
Winter Nights Holiday Body Scrub
If the North pole had a signature scent, this would be it! This simple DIY leaves your skin silky smooth and its dreamy winter scent is perfect for the season. Make it for yourself or package it up with a cute ribbon and gift it to a friend!
  • 1/4 cup organic fractionated coconut oil
  • 3/4 cup organic cane sugar
  • 15 drops Winter Nights essential oil blend
  • 10 drops Vanilla oleoresin
Mix Winter Nights & Vanilla with fractionated coconut oil in a glass container, then add organic cane sugar to the bowl and stir until combined.
To use, massage into skin in a circular motion and rinse well. After exfoliating, moisturize with Young Living’s Winter Nights Hand and Body Lotion.
Peppermint Latte Coffee Scrub
This simple DIY is always a crowd pleaser and is great for winter hands, especially when followed with the Very Vanillamint Body Butter.
  • 1 cup organic ground coffee
  • 1 cup cane sugar
  • 1/2 cup melted coconut oil
  • 10 drops Peppermint essential oil
  • 10 drops Vanilla oleoresin (or EOs of choice - Cardamom, Thieves, etc.)
  • Small glass jar(s)
Mix coffee grounds and sugar together, then add melted coconut oil and essential oils. Mix well and place in a glass jar. Top with burlap and tie with twine and a sprig of fresh rosemary for a festive gift!
There really is no substitute for the Very Vanillamint Set from Young Living, but if you missed the ordering deadline this DIY is your next best bet!
Place coconut oil and shea butter in a bowl and whip with a handheld or stand mixer until fluffy and smooth. Slowly add in the jojoba oil, then the essential oils, mixing as you add. Whip for about five minutes or so. The longer you mix, the fluffier it will become!
Easy DIY Bath Bombs
If you missed out on the new Sweet Maple and KidScents Bath Bombs or want to DIY-it for a custom scent, this recipe is for you!
  • 1 cup baking soda
  • 1/2 cup citric acid
  • 2 Tbsp epsom salts
  • 3 Tbsp coconut oil, melted
  • 20-30 drops essential oil(s) of choice*
  • 1 tsp water or more if necessary
  • Silicone molds or large ice cream scoop
In a large bowl combine baking soda, citric acid, and epsom salts. Stir well. In a smaller bowl combine coconut oil and essential oil. Slowly whisk wet ingredients into dry. It should reach a crumbly consistency.
Your mixture is ready when you can mold it into a shape and it sticks without coming apart. If it is too crumbly, add in water, 1 tsp at a time. Mixture should be dry but able to hold a shape. To shape your bath bombs either pack them into your molds or a large ice cream scoop. Leave in the molds overnight, then remove carefully and place on a baking sheet to dry.
Oil pairing ideas: Peppermint + Vanilla, Lavender + Peppermint, Lavender + Vanilla, Eucalyptus + Lemon, Believe + Vanilla, Gratitude + Tangerine

Till next time,  Thank you and God Bless you and your path and may You have Peace every day.

The Power of Being

Hello there!   I am blessed and grateful you're here!   ❤️ 

If I've learned anything in this life, it's that you can't out give God.  Now,  that can be giving from your talents, time, gifts, and or money.  Give and more will be given.  Believe this truth.  For when we hold onto it, and well, there will never be enough.  Be alive. Be a giver. Be blessed with abundance in all areas in life.    Be a giver of these things with a good heart however, because whatever you sow, you reap.  #fact.    Sow acts of kindness, love, joy, peace, reconciliation, understanding, prosperity and grace and receive more of the same.   On the other hand, sowing acts and words of hatred, discord, evil, revenge, lack, jealousy, bitterness and rage, that too will be what you reap.  Be careful the words you think, thoughts you think and speak and act on. For they will form the life you live.  

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Luke 6:38- Give, and you will receive.  Your gift will return to you in full~ pressed down, shaken together to make room for more, running over, and poured into your lap.  The amount you give will determine the amount you get back.
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Deuteronomy 15:10- Give generously to them and do so without a grudging heart: then because of this, the Lord your God will bless you in all your work and in everything you put your hand to.
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Matthew 25:29- To those who use well what they are given, even more will be given, and they will have an abundance.  But from those who do nothing, even what little they have will be taken away.

That being said, this month I'm giving away 10 bottles of oil from my stash!   That's right! There will be 10 blessed winners this month!    To be entered in drawing, place a 50 pv order the month of October!  I will do a live drawing on Facebook on Nov 1(God willing ❤️ )  Please feel free to reach out if you need help!   
Speaking of giving, YL is giving us some amazing new Holiday items to swoon over! The Holiday gift catalog is live on the Young Living website as of Today! Saturday, OCT 23 @ 2 pm!!    I'm so excited to see the new goodness. They are also releasing a redesigned skin care line, and I believe a new formulation of Evergreen essence!! You'll want this in your arsenal of goodness for your immune system support (Check out the benefits of pine oil in Pubmed, the national library of medicine .  There is so much science out there backing up the fact that these oils, quality oils, work to our health. benefit.  
My personal experience is astounding proof TO ME, that they work! That eliminating the toxic crap in my life, mind and products makes all the difference in how I feel.   I'm ever grateful for the path that life has taken me on.  So grateful for you too to be on this journey as well.   

Please reach out if you are wanting to dive deeper into this life of feeling better, happier, more at peace and start living your best life!   I'll be here.  ❤️   

Blessings to you and love,

mindset, belief, thoughts, words, actions, personal growth, becoming more

Living your best life

“Although the world is full of suffering, it is also full of the overcoming of it.” ~ Helen Keller

Our world is full of this; everywhere you turn there is negativity bombarding us. The news and social media is like a constant barrage of sad stories, crises, people losing their jobs, illnesses, you name it. If we let that overcome our own positivity we lose. We take that weight upon our shoulders and it’s hard for us to move forward. We need to choose daily to guard our hearts and minds and be consciously aware of what we allow to influence them.

Optional journal prompt: What area of your life do you need to limit in order to guard your heart and mind? Grab some White Angelica and apply or diffuse it today.

I wanted to give you something to think about with this months email.   I wanted to open a dialogue with yourself.  What are you working for on?  
How can you dive deeper within yourself to release the stuff that holds you back?  

On another note here’s a super great link to share this months newsletter! Enjoy it and as always, feel free to reach out to me with any questions or suggestions!  I’m here for you! 

Blessings and love to you,
Casey Forte

Your thoughts

Your thoughts
There are so many people are worried about how they look, if their purse, shoes, and belt match, if they smell good, if they have the latest, and greatest whatever, if people like them or not….

What if, huge- what if- here, if we began to focus on our thoughts and having them be good ones, and how would our life change if that happened?

Once we do that, the rest comes naturally.

It’s a journey and it’s completely achievable.

That being said, NO ONE CAN DO IT FOR YOU!
You see, no one sees your thoughts. Only you are aware of them, so only you can grab them, hold them captive and decide what you are gonna do with it.

We have choices when thoughts enter our minds.  
Is this a good thought? Is it positive?
Is this true? Or did my mind mess with me again?
Is this a belief or truth?
Does this line up with truth?
Does this thought bring me joy?
Is this thought about the future or the past?
Is this a fear? Why?

I can go on and on, but I think you get the point.
If a thought pops in your mind, it’s up to you if you want to believe it, act on it, react to it, or ignore it.

Your choice.
But your joy depends on it.

Words from Casey’s tub.   ❤️
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