You can heal

Y’all, you have to give up the idea that you are your disease.

Read that again.


Break that belief and start to focus instead on your body’s amazing ability to heal. Work towards that goal. In doing so, you allow yourself to feel better, make better choices and bring healing.

But if you like being diseased, that’s ok too.

We have the ability to choose.

What are some words you constantly use in your day that point out your flaws?   What if you swapped it around and instead spoke words of encouragement to yourself?  How do you think your life would change?
Leave a comment below and let me know what words you're gonna change today.

Life Changes

HEY!   Today I wanted to talk about something that is an integral part of who I am, but it never makes change any easier knowing the results of said change are for our best.  
Change is hard.  
Change hurts.  
Change is uncertain. 
Change upsets our comfortable space.  
Change is unsettling. 

You know what doesn't grow if it never changes, a seed.   Imagine if all the seeds of the world never got put in the dirt. 
Never got planted. 
Never experienced the dark, wet environment. 
Never have been cracked open before only to sprout new life.
 A more abundant plant than just the seed alone.  A plant that will produce MANY more seeds.    But that new life and many new plants come from the breaking of a seed.  CHANGE.

The same goes for our children.  They come to us as the most precious gift in infant form.  They need us for everything and we marvel at their accomplishments. Each and every one.  All of them are changes. Growing. Becoming.   

Why do we, as adults feel that change is soooo difficult? I mean, we are wired for it, right? We have to change to become the people God created us to be.   But that's where the twists and turns come in.   Our subconscious mind likes to keep us comfy and safe.  That means in a simple way, it likes things to be the same old, same old.   It takes a real effort to actually try, and succeed at changing habits, reactions, foods, and even cities!.    So many try and it's uncomfortable, so they shrink back into the mindset of, well, this way has always worked for me. And they sit. Forever. Stuck.

You have a choice though!   For real.  It all starts with the decision to do something different to get different results.  It usually comes at a time when we are fed up with where we are. Something propels us, or motivates us to do things differently.  But it's up to us to make that decision and keep the promises we make to ourselves.   

Are you worth the effort to try to change the things you are unsatisfied with in your life?  I think you are.   Now for you to believe it.    ❤️ 
Do you feel you could use a helping hand or a listening ear, reach out to me.  I would love to help you find out what lights your soul on fire and help you make the changes to get you there. 
Sending love and blessings your way,

Have you been in the sun yet today?

Hello and happy Saturday to you! Today I woke up early and met a girlfriend at the beach before my son even woke up ( you know those teenagers who sleep till noon) and enjoyed some rays and waves and nice conversation. What I didn’t do is use sunscreen. Now, there’sa time and place for it, but that early and for an hour and a half, it was fine. Did you know that sunscreen actually blocks your body from making the necessary vitamin d it needs to function? Whatttt! Yes. So every time you go out slathered in sunblock. Well, you’re blocking the sunshine from benefiting your body. Another big did you know, did you know that there are several make of sunscreen now that are being recalled for causing serious health problems! What!!! Yep, these, safe, products are now being recognized as a cause of something awful.. When I do use sunscreen, for example if I’m out on a boat and need extended protection for a longer period of time, I use young livings! We have an amazing mineral sunscreen in spf 10 or 50! It’s great to know the products you use aren’t causing harm. 

So I’m back home with this cutie and I decided to try out our new charcoal mask from YL.   Whoa, I love it! Sooo cooling and refreshing. And as it dried, it felt sooo good. It washes off easily and my skin felt amazing. Taylor even joined in and said he loved how his skin felt after!  Watch this video on the Charcoal mask 

If you’re seeing this post today, click here and shop the YL website today for 10% off wholesale prices!! Check out the website for deets, or ask me!  352-427-2497 
Referral Id 3141355

Enjoy your weekend and thank you for supporting your wellness.


     Today as I  sit outside and enjoy the morning sounds I’m grateful.    I’m grateful for so manyyyy things it’s hard to even begin to share all of them.  
     That being said, I also am going thru one of the most difficult times in my life right now where it feels like everything is coming against me at once.  I mean, really, can I catch a break, please?
     Even in all that turmoil, I still stay focused on the things I’m grateful for. Do you know why?  Because gratitude is the absolute highest frequency and vibration out there.  Gratitude brings things your way to be grateful for.   For example, yesterday after something I had to do, that I didn’t want to, but was grateful for the opportunity, I was craving a fruit bowl. So I went to the place, Nektar in Jax beach(amazing stuff) anyway, the lady in front of me had a coupon she couldn’t use and gave it to me.   My fruit bowl was FREE!  I didn’t earn it, I didn’t ask for it, I just was grateful for the ability to be there and receive it.
Gratitude opens our hearts up for receiving in life.    Receiving  everything you’ve ever hoped for is God’s desire for you.    So, even in your struggles, remember to be grateful for every little thing.  They become the big things over time.  Love to you!
Casey ❤️

Mermaid hair

DAEi45QEbDsDAEi414XrSQHey y’all. We’re fully into my favorite season of the year! Summerrrrrr!! Yay!   With that comes tons of time in any body of water possible.  That being said, my hair needs some extra attention with all the sunshine and potential chlorine damage.  
Here’s  a great way to make your own mermaid spray for your hair.

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