My why

My why
Meet my why.

Free Hair Hacks!

Free Hair Hacks!
HELLOOO There!!!!

I'm sooo excited!!!   
This last week was our International Grand Convention with YL!   In the Summer, we all fly out to Salt Lake City and have a Grand time with over 35,000 people, but, this last year has been different.  That being said, the convention was held virtually again this year, so lots of us got together in Orlando at a giant resort with huge homes as rentals!   We all stayed in a neighborhood and it was a great experience together even though it was in smaller groups.  Here's one of the photos we captured during the event!   We also celebrated rank achievements and I got to be recognized for reaching the rank of Gold with YL.  Thank you! Super grateful and exciting!

Being a part of this community has not only helped grow my business, but they also help with personal growth and development.  We support each other in so many ways and it's encouraging to watch people soar.    It still amazes me daily that I stumbled across this company as a way to help heal my body, and ditch the fragrance in my home almost 6 years ago.   Not only has my body completely done a turn around, but I get to experience so many other's success stories with these amazing products and oils.

Do you know I said NO to Young Living 4 times before I said YES.    I was ignorant.  Ignorant of the power of EO's. Ignorant of the company and what it stood for.  Ignorant of the income opportunity that was possible.  Ignorant of the community I would grow to love.  Ignorant of the ways I could be an impact in my community to help others.   I WAS IGNORANT.   Then I learned.  Now, I share.     It all started when I started Using the products in my every day life.  My life started to change. My body felt better. I knew I had made the right decision and 6 yrs later, I'm still soo passionate about this company and how we are changing the world, one bottle of oil at a time.  

Here's my story, if you haven't heard how YL changed my life  My story

Now for the goods on the new products released last week!   All The NEW GOODNESS!
Not only are there great new products and oil blends, but they've REFORMULATED the Shampoos and Conditioners to make them EVEN BETTER!!!  (I love our current ones, so this should be even better!). Some of the products include Luscious lemon in an essential oil blend and lotion, a new thieves scouring scrub for cleaning and a Charcoal Face Mask that's off the chain awesome!
If you could only see my excitement!    BUT WAIT!!!! There's one I almost forgot to mention, but it's the MOST AMAZING NEW PRODUCT EVERRRRRR!!!!!!!----------->.  GOLDEN TURMERIC!!!!! 
Check out the deets in the link above, or here New Product Deets
ANDDDDDD There's a SPECIAL SALE GOING ON RIGHT NOW - Deets in the Virtual office, but there's 25% off of makeup, C 🐝 D, and many other great items! Go check it out!  SALE ITEMS!
There's so many new products, just check out the link above to see them all!

Anywayyyyyy, I want to thank you for your time reading this and checking out the new stuff.  If you are interested in reactivating your account, just reply to this message and I'll get you right back in the saddle with your choice of goodies.  Here's those free hair hacks I mentioned earlier!

If you're a product user, THANK YOU!  I love to see people thriving with the ditching of toxins and switching to a toxin free lifestyle! Thanks for supporting your health and small business too!   I'm thankful someone shared YL with me and sharing YL with others is really that easy.  Talk about it.  Tell people what you love, just like you would a restaurant or favorite place. ❤️ 

If you are interested in learning more about the side hustle of changing lives, reply to this and I can help ya out! 
If you're not interested in earning extra cash, that's perfectly fine too!  There are plenty of people who are just loving the products in their daily lives, for years!    It's almost like, once you go YL, you never go back to the other stuff!  I know I won't! ❤️   

  Fun fact: 
                95% of Young Living users Don't do the business side, they just love the products!
               That's amazing! 

What are some of your favorite products? (reply to share your testimonies with me)
What are some products you'd like to try? (reply to email for samples)
Would you like to get your products for free? (ask me how)
p.s. here's the freebies for your qualifying orders this month!

Thank you for your time and I appreciate you!
Blessings and Love,
Casey Forte

Do you use perfume?

Do you use perfume?
Have you ditched the perfume yet???    

Did you know fragrance, the ingredient listed on labels, is toxic to our body and it’s in ALMOST EVERYTHING YOU BUY AT THE STORE!!  Even the “natural” products, that are so called "clean" contain Fragrance!

My journey down this new lifestyle of natural products began when I got diagnosed with a very scary, terminal condition, in my head 6 years ago.  WHOA!  Talk about a wake up call. That scared me, but I already knew enough about what their course of treatment would mean for my body and it would start a ticking clock.  As a mother of a 6 yr old son, I chose to not start that clock that their "treatment" would begin, but I chose an alternative method.  Find out why this happened and start living clean.   I started my journey into learning what could've cased this and I found soooooooo many things that were in my NORMAL everyday products and were extremely toxic, bioaccumulative and neurotoxins to top it off!  💥 WHATT!!!!  You mean to tell me all the products I've been using on my body, hair, plug ins, candles, perfumes, laundry, detergents and soaps, hair, makeup, pet products, baby products, feminine care products, yard products, EVERY DAMN THING I had in my home and cabinets was making my body sick, slowly, over time.   AND, I was starting the same toxic lifestyle with my innocent child.   I HAD TO MAKE A CHANGE!   That's when I was introduced to Young Living.  That's another story all together and here's a link to that testimony on my you tube --->.  My Story
Read the labels, educate yourself on what you’re using on you and your family. Even and especially those sweet babies.    These fragrance chemicals, not only are toxic, BUT, they accumulate in our cells causing DISEASE!   
Give your body a fighting chance against disease and start eliminating the things you use that have fragrance in them.     You can thank me later.  You’re welcome!

     Wait!!!  You must think I'm crazy to think you're gonna not smell good anymore. Or that you're giving up all the familiar scents you've come accustomed to having in your home, on your clothes, and in your bathroom, kitchen and cleaning products!    Nope.  
       I'm not asking you to give up ANYTHING!      I'm asking you to to just do the research yourself, then ask yourself if this is something you want in almost EVERY product you buy!
      There's TONS of articles on the toxic effects on our body.   Tons of science. Tons of proof fragrance is BAD news.    Here's just one article to start your journey into the wormhole.  

Oh, what the heck, here's another. 
From the US National Library of Medicine, for those people who like numbers and scientific studies:

With all this being said, you can see and maybe get a glimpse into why I am soo passionate about my lifestyle that includes Young Living at the heart of it.

If you're not with YL, now and want to re-begin your journey, you'll be pleasantly surprised starting next month!   Everything will be so much easier to get and get started with our new shopping platform and ways to be a customer or a brand partner!   Gone are the days of being a distributor if you are only interested in product usage.   Now, you decide if you want to use only, or use and build a business!     I am super excited to share this new platform with y'all when it releases, but for now you can go to Young Living and check out all the new products we have gotten since you've been away.  I'm always here to help guide and assist you getting yourself plugged back into a healthy home.  Are you ready?  I am! 

Let's do this!  You're worth the change!

Sending love and light to you!

Casey ❤️ ❤️ 

Is your home clean?

Is your home clean?
CLEANER HOMES start with small changes.

 Making your home a cleaner environment doesn’t have to be hard. It starts with little changes. Here’s one of the first things I swapped in my home years ago. Dish soap. It works great! Cuts grease too!!

Thieves dish soap and Thieves Cleaner available here!  You can also access any of the oils you could like to customize your scent on .
The vegetable glycerin can be purchased on Amazon.  

Don’t forget to check out all of our April promotions! It’s super easy to get these freebies with your qualifying purchase.  

BIG NEWS!!!!!!
Have you received an email from Young Living explaining the new website shopping experience for our customers and brand partners?
Check it out for some great news!

I want to thank each and every one of you for supporting not only your health, but small business. You’re appreciated.  
I’m always available for questions or guidance!
Thank you and God Bless you, 

Ditching the Chemicals

Ditching the Chemicals
Our body runs like a well oiled machine.  That is, until it doesn’t.

What causes this malfunction in something that is so beautifully designed?

CHEMICALS!    That’s right, the ones that you use every single day and you have been using for years and years. Those chemicals that are in your every day products in your home are causing problems in your bodies and you aren’t even aware!  They are building up in your cells causing bioaccumulation. When these chemicals are stored in your body they cause your endocrine and hormone system to become out of whack among other things. When this happens we get tons of symptoms that we usually don’t put back on the products and things we use in our daily life.

I was one of those people that had all the symptoms. I decided to kick the chemicals to the curb and in doing so my body has healed. My hormones and thyroid are now functioning properly and I am here to share that possibility with others. If you’re tired of feeling like crap, reach out to me. I don’t bite, but I will help you kick the chemicals to the curb and get your health back.

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