The end of the year is upon us!

The end of the year is upon us!
Hey there!

Thanksgiving has come and gone already, but seriously, YAY!   That means there's only one more month left of 2020.  Who agrees it's been a wild ride, but all in all it's been a year of so much change and growth.  Challenges included, this year has been a good one overall.  Having an attitude of gratitude in the midst of turmoil and challenges is where it's at. Gratitude is scientifically proven to make positive changes deep in your body, on a cellular level! WOW!(feel free to look that up).  It's easy to be grateful when everything is hunky dory, but when it really matters most is when life hits hard.  Trying to keep your focus on the things you have to be grateful for is a great way to start a lasting change.  One day at a time. We have one more month in the year to make it count.  Let's start a new habit, a month early from the traditional new year's resolutions. *insert giggle      I challenge you to think of 5 things you're grateful every morning before you open your eyes then again in the day and again in bed, before you fall asleep.    When you make gratitude a habit, it becomes a lifestyle, life is better, your perspective is better.     It's a good thing.   

On the topic of gratitude, I'm so grateful for Young Living. Such an amazing company that loves people and uses every opportunity to give back to the members, communities and the needs of others.  Our company is standing the test of time and has experienced almost supernatural growth over the last 5 yrs.   It's been so fast, our current website platform can't keep up.   As you might've heard, they are releasing a Brand New Website in December!  It will be done in stages but I can't wait for everyone to see and experience this new educational resource and shopping all in one.    *everything is being revamped and updated for efficiency and stability for growth in the future.   This is amazing news and I can hardly contain my excitement.  

I wanted to share some cozy diffuser recipes to give you some  fresh ideas.    I absolutely love, love, love that these plant oils not only smell amazing, but have the ability to support all of our body systems in different fashions.   It's all so amazing to me and I am a converted skeptic for sure!   Not sure how or what to do with them other than smell, start searching in our FB groups, and we also have so many other resources available.  The LSP Desk reference is one.   This is a resource I feel every home needs.   Full of detailed information on every single page.   I love it so much, I'm giving one away in December! That's right, I'm giving one away to one blessed tribe member!    To qualify, just place a 250 pv order from today until Dec 25!    That's it!  Easy right!   It's super easy to get your order there. Think of supplements, makeup, cleaning products, weight support, OILS(duh), GIFT sets for your friends!   You can also always gift someone a membership so they can get their own goodness delivered to their house.   What a gift!   Ask me or your enroller how, it's super easy!  

Each year, Hope for Justice’s Lighthouses provide holistic care to hundreds of youth rescued from forced labor and sexual exploitation. These aftercare facilities play a crucial role in restoring lives, and one of the Lighthouses in Ethiopia needs our help.

This Giving Tuesday (December 1), we’re working to raise $300,000 to fund the Lydia Lighthouse for 2021. Your donation to the Young Living Foundation can help reshape the futures of 170 girls rescued from exploitation. Ultimately, the goal is to return each girl safely home. Ultimately, the goal is to return each girl safely home. You don’t have to wait until Giving Tuesday to contribute. Donate today and share with your friends and family, so together we can bring these girls home.

Note: The final day to donate to the Foundation via commissions for the 2020 tax year is Monday, November 30. You can donate via credit card up until Thursday, December 31.


I want to thank you again for your support of small business and your health!   It's a good thing.   I can never show enough gratitude for what I feel inside.   This set of oils I bought 5 years ago changed my life in a way I could never try to explain.  I am eternally grateful for each and everyone of you that I've met during this journey.   Thank you.  

God bless you and don't forget to get entered to win that Desk reference!  (explained earlier in this email)

Casey Forte

Fall is finally here!

Fall is finally here!
Well hey there!, 
As this year is beginning to come to a close, thank God, my favorite season is upon us.  It's Fall!   It's when the weather gets a little cooler but isn't cold. The hoodies come out in full force and hot tea is a staple.  It's also pumpkin and cinnamon everything !   

As you all have experienced, this year has been different, to say the least.   This year has been challenging, intimidating, and frustrating.   It's also been amazing, full of blessings, and gratitude.  I have decided to focus on the good things that have come from this year.   One thing I'm truly grateful for is the ability to work from home, helping others achieve wellness, purpose and abundance.  Over 5 yrs ago I took a leap into this oily life and I have never looked back.   Along the way, I've gotten healthier, made some amazing friends and connections and gotten my freedom back.  I am truly grateful God lead me down this path.    I can't imagine my life without the changes I've made in my lifestyle.   My health was awful, but, now, I'm thriving.    I want this for each and every person.  It's worth it.

This month, just like every month, YL gives us freebies with our orders. Now they've sweetened the deal with free shipping on ALL 100 PV orders!  That's right, SHOP orders and ER Monthly Order both qualify.    The freebies this month help support our wellness and immune system.  From the essential oil infused hot spiced turmeric tea to the inner defense capsules, they think of everything.   I'm super excited to get my order this month.  The aromaease oil is great to have on hand for anything digestive support and ravintsara is wonderful for breathing support. Ahhhhh!   And that cup! What what!!!   

Do you have the life Steps app on your phone?   If not, it's something you should download!    It's full of all things YL, Health and Wellness!  Makeup, Supplements, Recipes, Ideas and ways to incorporate the natural lifestyle into your home.   Life Steps App It's FREE!   

This month is also full of excitement because our Holiday Launch is coming!  The release of our Holiday catalog is OCT 17!  Get the full details HERE
I wanted to give you some awesome ideas to bring fall to the inside of your home. The natural way.

I wanted to tell you thank you.  Thank you for supporting your health and small business.   You are appreciated.  I love to give back to the members on this journey of wellness!   This month all 100 PV orders get an entry to win one of 10 prizes! Orders over 400 pv qualify for 5 entries.  Use this opportunity to get stocked up on all the oils for fall and supplements to keep your body operating at full speed.   Don't forget the Holiday gift catalog being released next week! Soo excited!   

May you be blessed by God,

Casey Forte


Hello there!
 Summer is here and it's glorious!   I don't know about you but I love the heat over the cold any day!  This year has been a rollercoaster ride for sure but I'm loving every moment of it!

I have some exciting news for you!   YL convention, although it was virtual, was last week and now all the glorious new products they released are in the Virtual Office under Shop/What's new!   I'm super stoked because they released some things people have been wanting, like really bad.   

This company never ceases to amaze me with how they take our feedback as members and do their best to make it happen!  Also in the next few months, they are Completely giving us a new website! WHAT!!!  YESSS!!!  One that can handle the amount of people that use it and have less issues.  Also, another big announcement, after Sept 1, FREE SHIPPING!!!! You heard right! 

This is amazing news and it is for SHOP orders or ER!   I know I'm excited for that, how about you!  If you have the current program YLgo, and have credits left, they will credit them to your account so no worries!  The 100 pv promo for ER members is going away however, but I think Free shipping is a great trade off!   More ER points for you and less out of pocket for dumb shipping costs! #winning .

Let's not forget I'm giving away 11 oils this month to members who place 100 pv orders or higher. I will run a report and everyone who qualifies will be entered and I will do a random drawing live in GOOD VIBE TRIBE, our tribe page on fb! If you're not in there, send a request and I'll get you in!  We also have another education group that's fantastic for learning all about everything YL, FIRST DROP .  And another amazing resource is the app .   Everything you need to know all at the touch of your fingers.   

I wanted to sincerely thank you for being part of my oily family and I'm grateful for you.   Thank you for supporting your health and small business at the same time!   Be blessed and sending hugs!

Casey Forte

May Flowers are HERE! (and Free FRANK!)

May Flowers are HERE! (and Free FRANK!)

Hey there!  

Happy May and the beginning of the warmer summer months in Florida.  I hope your lives are filled with joy and peace during these changing times. it occured to me that I have been sending these newsletters forever and I don't think I've ever introduced myself to those of you who might not know me personally.  Hi!  I'm Casey Forte and this is my son, Taylor.   We live in St. Augustine, Florida and  we moved here last July and we love it here.  We love all things outdoors and healthy living too. 5 years ago, I decided it would be best to start to change the way we lived due to a sudden change in my health.  That included the food we ate, the thoughts we think and the products we use.  It's been an amazing shift.  Really.   Life is good and I'm so grateful this door was opened for me and my son.  Not only are we healthier with less, almost none, down days, but our bodies are now accustomed to the natural lifestyle and that in itself brings a sense of peace.  Just knowing that our daily living is not harming us or our body systems anymore.  Having comfort knowing our bodies are supported and balanced in the way God intended makes my mommas heart smile.  That's my why in this journey.   Our lives have been  completely transformed just by changing some things out.   I get such joy helping others do the same and watching their wellness transformations too.    It really makes me happy too when those people decide to share this with their loved ones for the same reasons.   It's just amazing to me and I feel soo  blessed. Grateful.

Well, enough about me, i wanted to share some amazing things YL is doing for us this month! (and every month if you ask me!) FIRST and FOREMOST, TODAY!!! Is back in stock Wednesday and they've got some amazing items back in stock, sales, and my all time fave, 15 ml PEACE AND CALMING!!!! What the WHAT!!!!  Check out the deals in these pics and they'll be live in the website at 2pm EST!   So get ready!

With that exciting news out there, there's also a big deal this month with the promotions!   If you order this month, like always, there are freebies at different PV levels.   This month, at 300 pv, they are giving free FRANK!!!   That's not mentioning all the other bomb oils for free this month! Longevity, Lavender, Endoflex, and a Deep Relief (Ahhhhh)Roll on!!!! AHHH Mazing!     

But wait there's more (in my late night infomercial voice), but seriously, there is!

This month I am GIVING AWAY 10 OILS from my stash! To qualify, just place 100 pv order or more, and if you want an extra entry, just get started on Essential Rewards and place a 100pv order. (two entries)  You'll get 3 entries for 300 pv orders.    Your entries will be automatic and I will do a live drawing in June on FB in our group page, Good Vibe Tribe.   If you're in there, I've already shared the oils I'm giving away this month! Check it out Here. If you're not in it, shoot me an email or text and friend me on FB, and I'll get you in!  Tons of product info, education and testimonies! 

Here's a great diffuser blend that's very similar to our new Luscious Lemon hand soap.  Seriously, if you haven't tried it, you should.   That being said, all new members, reactivations (with starter kit) will get a FREE bottle of this amazing soap!  So share this with your friends and family! What a great time to revamp your home.  

As always I want to thank each and every one of you for caring about your health and wellness! It really makes my heart happy to see this group grow and continue along this journey, together, as a tribe.  Our team achieved a new rank with YL last month and it's all because of you faithful members who love YL and have made the change!   I love you all!   Blessings and favor to you. I am always available for questions, nothing is too small.   Have a great day!

Casey Forte




 Happy 43rd quarantine Sunday.   As I write this from my bedroom on my laptop, listening to church on my phone, I find myself truly grateful.  Grateful to be alive in a time like this and I'm grateful for technology in a time of isolation.  Like most of you, my son and I have been home for almost a month except for groceries, take out, or yard supplies.  I keep finding projects in the yard and house to keep me busy and for my sanity.   Amidst the business of projects, I'm also allowing myself days of complete rest too.  It's ok.  Balance.  This is a new season for all of us. It's different for most and challenging for some.  I pray peace over each and every one of you and safety over your households.   

Now with all this time at home, my diffusers are going non stop.  Not only for the smell, but for the clean air, the negative ions, and the emotional and body support.   I am so grateful for plants.   Enjoy these diffuser recipes.

  With all this free time, I've been cleaning too.  I'm so grateful for having Thieves cleaner in my home. One bottle for EVERYTHING!    I wanted to share some recipes to use your thieves cleaner in so many ways!   I am a purist though.  I use thieves cleaner 2 capfuls in a quart spray bottle filled with water.  Does it all!   Simple or specialized. You choose!  A pure, clean home is the result of it all.   #ditchandswitch

I also wanted to share this months promotion because it's all things clean!!   And a Thieves glass bottle too!  This month they are even offering a 400 pv level too.  Along with this promo, Anyone who places over 100 pv order will be entered to win a random gift from my oily stash! There will be 10 lucky winners!!!!!    I'm excited, are you?   Essential Rewards Order or Shop one time .   When you check out the shop, check out the New and Featured Tab!!    They released some amazing new products!!   Volumizing and a lengthening mascara!  A new hand soap, Luscious Lemon!   I can't wait to get my hands on that, no pun intended.  And a line of exotic teas all with the Seed to Seal promise!  I'm super excited to try the tea collection.  It comes with a customized YL tea steeping glass mug. Swooooon.     AND, I almost forgot, there are some special oils in the VO too! Sacred Angel, 15ml Valor and  15 ml White Angelica are available too! Stock up!
Such a great time to be in this lifestyle of wellness using plants instead of the alternative.   I feel confident that my home is safe, clean, and has fresh air inside!   I have been blessed to walk this path of wellness and having a transformed body and home.  I can't imagine where I'd be if I didn't make the transition 5 years ago.  I Can't Imagine!!!    Not only has my health improved and my son's is amazing, but I've been able to build a sustainable business all while being able to be home, where I'm needed. It provides a way to work a business from home at my pace. You can go gung ho or ho hum. You choose the level of freedom you want.  Here's the income disclosure statement since I talked about income.  Income Disclosure  If you're even slightly interested in the business side of YL, reach out to me or your enroller and we can help you get all the tools you need to be successful.  We have a business growth group for newbies coming up May 1. If you want the deets, send me a text. 352-427-2497 .   

I wanted to send a virtual hug to all of you out there and a sincere thank you for supporting your health, and small business at the same time.  You are valued and I want you to know you are supported in any way necessary.  Have a blessed week!

Casey Forte
Young Living Silver Leader
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